Tag Archives: cold

Born into Silence

I read the title for this week’s Writing Challenge: The Sound of Silence, and before I could read the context or instructions, the phone rang.

“Jeny, what are you doing?”
“I’m at the computer.”
“You’re blogging, aren’t you?”
“No.”  (I wasn’t actually typing anything.  In fact, I had only read the top line of the before mentioned page. So, no, I wasn’t actually blogging.)
“Do you want to see a baby being born?”
“We’ll probably have to pull it.  I’m going to go find a rope.  Come on over.”
“Okay.  I have to get some warmer clothes.  I’ll be right there!”
(I look out the window.  The clouds are rolling in, the wind is picking up, the sky is spitting snow.   Hummmm.  This could get cold if there is any trouble.  Better dress warm.)

This week’s writing challenge was completely forgotten in the phone call.   I arrived just in time to meet my friend in the driveway.  I followed him out to the pasture.  My mind is going a million miles an hour, full of excitement.   We are looking for the heifer in labor.   Quietly, we round the first corner of the corrals.  Silence …..

We walk slowly, quietly, around the far corner of the corrals, and we look ahead …. there she is … and she has already had the calf.  Awesome!  Full of anticipation, wonder, excitement and relief, we get closer and we see she is licking the new baby.  It is a beautiful sight.  Silence …..

Wait, something is not right.  Silence …..

The baby is not moving it’s hind legs.  We move in closer.   Things don’t look right.  We are talking back and forth, sharing observations, talking to the momma, talking to the baby, more talking back and forth.   I want to take a picture of this beautiful moment, momma and baby touching noses, connecting, bonding.   I would if it was normal.  All I see now is a momma and baby totally focused on each other, yet neither one acting appropriate for a healthy birth.  Could this be the end instead of the beginning?  To take a photo now seems wrong, invasive.   Silence ….

We decide to go inside and call the vet.    The vet gave instructions, and back out we go. Momma is laying down, next to baby.   We’re going to have to catch up momma and tie her to the fence post so we can milk her and try and get baby to eat.   Why is she lying down? The baby’s hind legs still aren’t moving.   Ugh.  The wind is blowing, the sun is starting to slowly go down.    We take in all that has to come together.  Silence ….

We get momma caught up.  More help arrives.   Two of us are working with momma and two of us are working with baby.  The milking and feeding goes well.   Now to get them under cover.   This is no easy task.   Moving livestock around, getting hay, getting water, getting everyone situated.   The sun is almost down and I’m getting cold.   Silence ….

We get momma and baby situated.  The vet is on the way.  We know everyone is okay for now.   The cow-hands head home.  However, for the heifer, the little bull calf and their owners, it will all start again in a few more hours when baby needs to eat again.  Silence …

It’s dark.  I arrive home, very cold.  I feed all my horses.  Then I come in and shower.  The hot water feels so good!   I sit on the couch and I remember this week’s writing challenge.   Now, the theme is very appropriate.  When I ran off to see a baby being born, I didn’t think it would go this way.  Silence ….

(After I wrote this, I learned that the calf was diagnosed with brain damage, which explains why it couldn’t eat independently or walk.  It was put out of its misery. )

Below are 25 random other contributions to this week’s Writing Challenge:  The Sound of Silence.  For the whole list, visit the challenge page.

  1. Eight Things I Wish I Knew Before I Taught at a Boarding School | Kosher Adobo
  2. The Sounds of Silence* | Icescreammama
  3. underwood | yi-ching lin photography
  4. Weekly Writing Challenge: The Sound of Silence | Under the Monkey Tree
  5. Moments | anonim0us
  6. As Loud as Silence | Chimerical Chicanery
  7. Unspeakable | Musings of a Soul Eclectic
  8. Aborted Words | The Backwords
  9. Weekly Writing Challenge: The Sound of Silence | carojesu
  10. yesterday’s snow lets | y
  11. Finding what you didn’t know you were looking for… | Crap I Blog About
  12. WWC: The Sound of Silence | Learning the Anishinaabe Way
  13. Who Said So? | Buzzy Beez
  14. Silence challenge | knovak616
  15. The Silence Welcomes Me | StormieSteele
  16. Weekly Writing Challenge: The Sound of Silence | Bringing Out the God-Colors in the World
  17. Suicide no. 27: Vow of Silence | derekalanwilkinson
  18. Silent White | Mary J Melange
  19. Weekly Writing Challenge: The Sound of Silence | Your Original LUPUSDIVA….
  20. Weekly Writing Challenge: The Sound of Silence | No Apologies
  21. Weekly Writing Challenge: The Sound of Silence | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
  22. Hush me again, I can’t stand it. | May van Reenen
  23. it’s haircut day | Musings of a Random Mind
  24. My Quest for the Sound of Silence | Schizo Incognito
  25. No Curse | scottishmomus

Squeaky Cold -2F

This morning I woke up, looked at the clock and then checked my local weather app on my phone.  -2F.  Burrr.

I put on my first layer, then my second layer, then my third and my insulated Muck boots.  I put on my hat and gloves, call to my faithful companion, Halo, and out we go.

Halo wants to play in the -2C weather.  Hummm.
Halo wants to play in the -2F weather. Hummm.

Halo thinks its play time.  (She’s part Malamute. ) Not today.  I can already feel the cold freeze inside my nose.  Today we only have time and energy to feed the horses.  Even with all the layers, the cold gets into the bones quick.

Squeak, squeak, squeak. … When it’s this cold, everyone’s feet squeak on the snow.   As we get closer to the horses, more squeaking.  Its actually quite humorous, 40 hooves squeaking.   Its the only sound this morning.  Squeak, squeak, squeak.

Stormy and Rebel on a cold day.
Stormy and Rebel on a cold day.

The horses and mules all have frosty faces.  This is the third clue that it really is below zero.   Today I will feed them twice as much.  The extra fuel helps them stay warm.

Each time I take a picture, I have to take off my gloves, as I am using my smart phone.  With each picture my fingers hurt from the cold.  Needless to say, I didn’t take a lot of photos.

My cheeks are starting to feel cold, my own hair is starting to frost, and I have two more trips to make out to the mustangs.  The snow is really deep, so walking in the cold and the deep snow, with arms full of hay, uses a lot of energy.

Cold Montana Morning
Cold Montana Morning

This picture is the view from the mustangs’ corral.  It really is breathtaking.   This is looking east.   To the west, the sky is pinks, oranges, and yellows.  I couldn’t get a good picture from my pasture and its just too darn cold to walk for a good shot.

I put the camera away and put on my gloves.  My fingers got colder, faster that time.  One more trip back to the hay barn and back to the corral and I can go inside.  I note that the water troughs are all getting a little low.  It will have to wait to later.

—- A Note of Correction & New Photos ——

After I posted this, my husband, bless his heart, informed me I had my F and C mixed up.  LOL.  That’s what I get for trying to be ‘international’ in my writing.  LOL .  I have since made the corrections.  I’ve also added some more photos below, as the view totally changed while I was in my office composing this post.

A fresh look an hour after I came inside from the cold.
A fresh look an hour after I came inside from the cold.
View from my kitchen.
View from my kitchen.

Lunch at the Ranch – The Other Side of Paradise

My post for Day Two of the Lunch Writing Challenge
… A Sequel With Hopes of Becoming a Lunch Challenge Mini-Series

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I’m still at home sick.  Yesterday’s sunshine has become a cold gray.  The icy pines no longer look vibrant, but daunting.   Nothing sounds good to eat.  I warm up what is left of yesterday’s soup.   It’s not as great the second time around, which I attribute more to my sour stomach than to the actual soup.  I turn on a movie, Country Strong, that I vaguely remember having watched before.   I like Gwyneth Paltrow and Tim McGraw.  I’m anticipating a warm fuzzy Hallmark type film.  (Straight from the Heart is my favorite. ) However, as the movie progresses, I realize it was much deeper and darker than I had remembered.  It didn’t provide the escape I was looking for.   As a hospital chaplain, moments of escape are valued.

Then I’m rescued.  One of the young people staying at our house showed me his new hair color.  Its a bit darker with blue highlights!  Nice.  I helped him with his ear tunnels.  Today was the first day they could come out since he had them put in.   I’m thankful for the little things.

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During this Lunch Writing Challenge, there have been lots and lots of great entries by other bloggers.  With each of my posts I’m including a portion of the links to other stories.  I hope you’ll check them out.  Below are the second batch of 50.  Visit the Lunch Writing Challenge page for the entire, current list.

  1. Am I the Only One Still Awake on This Airplane? | A Really Full Life
  2. Tuna fish in the morning | classygallie
  3. The Best Lunch | SonWorshiper
  4. Lunch 2 | The Magic Black Book
  5. Plan B | Sue’s Trifles
  6. DP Weekly challenge – Lunch posts – I scrambled the egg dry. | Its all about a bit of this and that.
  7. Do-Si-Doing With The Cat | Musings of a Soul Eclectic
  8. Tasting the Flavour of Friendship! | My Diary
  9. Weekly Writing Challenge – Lunch Posts | The River Mom
  10. Back to the nest | The Colours of Confetti
  11. The Cigarette Break | An Upturned Soul
  12. Tuesday lunch | Stories from aside
  13. Are we Ants | Mainer Chick
  14. Weekly Writing Challenge: Lunch Posts | imagination
  15. Weekly Writing Challenge: Lunch Post | The Ageless Dummy
  16. Observational Skills | Melissa
  17. Lunch Post #2: An Ode to Public Transit | Rescued Insanity
  18. Everyone Deserves a Break – Evelyne Holingue
  19. Naked Lunch Break | the intrinsickness
  20. Eating alone: DPchallenge | Next stop: The End.
  21. Breath | Moments for the journey
  22. Lunch Break, Day 2: Birdcall | Stealing All the Sevens
  23. Lunch Break Challenge The Boring Addition | lordmikle
  24. Lunch, Day 2: I Was Over-served By My Own Husband « there’s this book i’m reading.
  25. Weekly Writing Challenge: Lunch Posts – Tuesday | Musings
  26. 15-60-15 | Be Less Amazing
  27. lunch at 21 | the REmissionary
  28. Lunch…or not. | bethanyah
  29. Lunch 2, Weekly Writing Challenge | standinginthestorm
  30. Out of the Cold | Eyes Through The Glass – A Blog About Asperger’s
  31. Weekly Writing Challenge: Lunch Posts | Basically Beyond Basic
  32. The Sweet Part of Life | TheIncaGypsy
  33. the mighty wings have fallen | Musings of a Random Mind
  34. Lunch at Lasalle | wickedinbeaufort
  35. Not Quite Lunch Poems 1 | Lightning Bug
  36. No Lunch; A Poem | Sara McKnight
  37. Day Two, Lunch Posts/Weekly Writing Challenge | I’m a Writer, Yes I Am
  38. Brunch Break | asweetbrightthing
  39. Poetry for Lunch | loveletterstoaghost
  40. Predictions: Beached on July 30, 2014 | Buzzy Beez Giftz
  41. Weekly Challenge: Literary Lunch Break | Life is a Beach!
  42. Does this even merit a title? | oliviare
  43. Weekly challenge day 2: Between the flags | helen meikle’s scribblefest
  44. Lunch on the Train | Cat Over Clock
  45. Food for thought.. | Quintessence Of A Daydreamer
  46. Weekly writing Challenge: Lunch Posts Day 2 | Reflections and Nightmares- Irene A Waters (writer and memoirist)
  47. An unexpected lunch | Butterfly Mind
  48. Lunch these days | Raspberry’s Daydreams
  49. Weekly Writing Challenge : Lunch Posts . A chaos at my place! | simplyvegetarian777